Vitamin Injections

Vitamin Injections enable direct delivery of key nutritional supplements including vitamins or antioxidants directly into the body via Intra Muscular Injections, where they can be rapidly absorbed and delivered through the body. In recent years, Vitamin Injections have become popular among healthy people who are concerned to ensure that they are getting adequate levels of vitamins. Advocates claim that they feel better as a result of regular injections, stating improvements to energy levels, weight, sleep, mood and hair loss as a few examples. Vitamin Injections are a very quick and efficient method of addressing deficiencies. Some vitamins are very difficult to get through diet and supplements are not always readily absorbed by the body. Having an injection means that the vitamin is delivered into the body with the correct dosing and it will not be broken down by the gut which often happens with supplement tablets being ingested.

Biotin Injection

Biotin (Vitamin H/B7, part of B-complex) help the body convert food into energy and improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This protein is called keratin. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin, brittle nails and hair, as well as hair loss. Biotin can be taken in a tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Biotin is a crucial nutrient during pregnancy which is important for embryotic growth. Since the body does not absorb biotin when it is applied to the skin, many individuals prefer biotin injections. These injections assist in the metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates, and protein. Its major benefit is strengthening hair and nails. Correct dosage of biotin supplementation gave shown an increase in hair growth, hair structure and thickness as well as decrease in hair loss. Biotin intra-muscular injections also go hand in hand for hair growth and nails strengthening. Sources of Biotin from foods: - Egg yolk - Liver/Kidney - Nuts, Nut butters, soy beans, legumes, whole grains and cereals - Cauliflower - Bananas - Mushrooms What affects Biotin absorption and production? - Alcoholics - Epileptics - Elderly - Athletes - Pregnancy & Lactation - Gastro disorders - Smokers - Genetic Causes - Long-term dieting - Some Medications - Vegetarian and Vegan lifestyles Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency: - Red/Scaly skin - Brittle hair or thinning patches - Insomnia/difficulty sleeping/fatigue - Depression - Muscle pain - Seizures - Upset stomach/loss of appetite - Dry eyes - Burning/prickly feeling in hands and/or feet - Cracking in corners of mouth Benefits of Biotin Injection: - Hair growth - Weight loss - Lowering cholesterol - regulates levels - Cognitive function - Anxiety/Depression - mood boosting - Blood Pressure - claimed to regulate - Aides digestion - Diabetes - regulates blood sugar - Fertility - studies shown proven to boost fertility - Prevents grey hair by protection pigment - Joint Pain - can reduce inflammation - Menstrual cycle regulation - Nail growth by stimulating protein and prevents nail splitting - Wound healing Indications/Who should consider Biotin Injections? - Hair damage/breakage/thinning - Weak/Brittle nails - Energy Boost - Skin conditions or aging - dehydration due to reduction of lipid barrier - Immune support - Weight loss or post weight loss surgery Contraindications/When can I not have it? - Must be fit and well - No known allergies - Diabetes - Pregnancy or Breastfeeding - Kidney/Liver Disease DOSAGE: Loading Dose 2-3 days apart for 1-2 weeks Maintenance 4-6 weeks 0.5% 1ml


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15 mins

Glutathione Injection

Glutathione is the next generation wellness injection which is known as the “mother of antioxidants.” The benefits of glutathione include: • Improvement of the appearance of the skin (including dark spots, freckles, uneven skin tone, blemishes, liver spots, and signs of ageing). • Reverses the dark melanin pigments in the skin, thus reducing hyperpigmentation. • Improves pigmentation from sun-damaged skin. • Helps to strengthen immune function. • Breaks down free radicals which are created during exposure to hot and cold environmental temperatures, toxicity, and UV light from the sun. Additional sources of free radicals include exhaust fumes and pollutants for those in the City, and recirculated air for those who travel a lot by trains or planes. • Supports cell regeneration including tissue building, cell growth, and wound healing. • Aids detoxification of heavy metals. • Prevents oxidative cell damage. • It is a very powerful detox agent which can help to reduce cell damage in the liver and help counter the toxic effects of many drugs, malnutrition, and diseases (chronic or acute). Glutathione injections work by clearing the body of toxins and free radicals that lead to hyperpigmentation, age spots, sun spots, wrinkles, acne, and even melasma. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits. The most effective way to enhance glutathione levels is having regular glutathione injections. Glutathione plays an important role in a myriad of processes. It is utilized by cells to carry out functions including: Supporting the immune system


Transporting mercury and other heavy metals out of the brain

Neutralizing free radicals

Regulating cell death (apoptosis) and cellular proliferation

Maintaining mitochondrial DNA

Regenerating nutrients (such as vitamins C and E)

Maintaining the overall function of certain enzymes What Is Strength Of Glutathion Injection? 600 mg/5 ml Is Glutathion Injection Results Permanent? Once you get the desired result, you can stop taking the Glutathione injection as the results are permanent in nature in the context of improving the complexion. It is said that taking the dose of Glutathione injection periodically improves the signs of aging. How Do I Know Glutathion Is Working? When speaking of glutathione’s effects on the skin, some patients see results like fewer breakouts and smoother texture in as little as two or three weeks. Others, such as those seeking a more even tone, need several months for the benefits to develop. Does Glutathion Cause Weight Gain? Glutathione helps with weight loss because it helps your body shift from fat production to muscle development. It also helps your body burn off fat cells, and it helps your liver remove toxins both of which lead to losing weight. How Many Injections Are Required For Skin whitening? 1 to 2 skin whitening injection can be injected in a week, so the complete treatment may take up to 3 months. As a total of 12 injections are required. In short, 1 injection can be taken on a monthly basis to maintain results. Are Glutathion Injection Safe? Yes, these injections are safe which is why it has become a popular way of rejuvenating your skin and bringing back your youthful radiance. What Are The Symptoms Of Low Glutathione? The signs and symptoms of the deficiency may include anemia , the buildup of too much acid in the body (metabolic acidosis), frequent infections, and symptoms caused by problems in the brain including seizures, intellectual disability, and loss of coordination ( ataxia ). How Long Does Glutathione Take To work? It usually takes at least three weeks before you can start seeing the benefits of glutathione. However, how quickly you see the benefits and improvements in your skin will depend on how consistently you follow up with your treatments, your general health, and your metabolism. Can Glutathion Lighten Underarms? Glutathione helps detoxify and remove free radicals, which are known to damage cells. It lightens discoloration and gives your skin a boost of radiance from head to toe—yes, even your underarms! Does Glutathion Helps With Hair Growth? No it is not. Glutathione is tried for skin treatment. Does Glutathion Clear Stretch Marks? Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant, and it is well-known in Asia for helping to lighten and even out skin tone. It’s used to lighten and even out skin tones, reducing the appearance of scars or stretch marks while also providing nourishment. Any Side Effects? IM glutathione has few side effects. However, IM use can cause redness, itching, and irritation at injection site. This treatment is very low risk Please be advised, you may feel the effects of the detox immediately or within a few hours post treatment, please ensure you stay hydrated and drink fluid pre and post treatment to aid the detox process *BLOCK BOOKING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE ON REQUEST


with a £30.00 deposit
15 mins

Glutathione Injection Course of 10

Glutathione is the next generation wellness injection which is known as the “mother of antioxidants.” The benefits of glutathione include: • Improvement of the appearance of the skin (including dark spots, freckles, uneven skin tone, blemishes, liver spots, and signs of ageing). • Reverses the dark melanin pigments in the skin, thus reducing hyperpigmentation. • Improves pigmentation from sun-damaged skin. • Helps to strengthen immune function. • Breaks down free radicals which are created during exposure to hot and cold environmental temperatures, toxicity, and UV light from the sun. Additional sources of free radicals include exhaust fumes and pollutants for those in the City, and recirculated air for those who travel a lot by trains or planes. • Supports cell regeneration including tissue building, cell growth, and wound healing. • Aids detoxification of heavy metals. • Prevents oxidative cell damage. • It is a very powerful detox agent which can help to reduce cell damage in the liver and help counter the toxic effects of many drugs, malnutrition, and diseases (chronic or acute). Glutathione injections work by clearing the body of toxins and free radicals that lead to hyperpigmentation, age spots, sun spots, wrinkles, acne, and even melasma. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits. The most effective way to enhance glutathione levels is having regular glutathione injections. Glutathione plays an important role in a myriad of processes. It is utilized by cells to carry out functions including: Supporting the immune system


Transporting mercury and other heavy metals out of the brain

Neutralizing free radicals

Regulating cell death (apoptosis) and cellular proliferation

Maintaining mitochondrial DNA

Regenerating nutrients (such as vitamins C and E)

Maintaining the overall function of certain enzymes What Is Strength Of Glutathion Injection? 600 mg/5 ml Is Glutathion Injection Results Permanent? Once you get the desired result, you can stop taking the Glutathione injection as the results are permanent in nature in the context of improving the complexion. It is said that taking the dose of Glutathione injection periodically improves the signs of aging. How Do I Know Glutathion Is Working? When speaking of glutathione’s effects on the skin, some patients see results like fewer breakouts and smoother texture in as little as two or three weeks. Others, such as those seeking a more even tone, need several months for the benefits to develop. Does Glutathion Cause Weight Gain? Glutathione helps with weight loss because it helps your body shift from fat production to muscle development. It also helps your body burn off fat cells, and it helps your liver remove toxins both of which lead to losing weight. How Many Injections Are Required For Skin whitening? 1 to 2 skin whitening injection can be injected in a week, so the complete treatment may take up to 3 months. As a total of 12 injections are required. In short, 1 injection can be taken on a monthly basis to maintain results. Are Glutathion Injection Safe? Yes, these injections are safe which is why it has become a popular way of rejuvenating your skin and bringing back your youthful radiance. What Are The Symptoms Of Low Glutathione? The signs and symptoms of the deficiency may include anemia , the buildup of too much acid in the body (metabolic acidosis), frequent infections, and symptoms caused by problems in the brain including seizures, intellectual disability, and loss of coordination ( ataxia ). How Long Does Glutathione Take To work? It usually takes at least three weeks before you can start seeing the benefits of glutathione. However, how quickly you see the benefits and improvements in your skin will depend on how consistently you follow up with your treatments, your general health, and your metabolism. Can Glutathion Lighten Underarms? Glutathione helps detoxify and remove free radicals, which are known to damage cells. It lightens discoloration and gives your skin a boost of radiance from head to toe—yes, even your underarms! Does Glutathion Helps With Hair Growth? No it is not. Glutathione is tried for skin treatment. Does Glutathion Clear Stretch Marks? Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant, and it is well-known in Asia for helping to lighten and even out skin tone. It’s used to lighten and even out skin tones, reducing the appearance of scars or stretch marks while also providing nourishment. Any Side Effects? IM glutathione has few side effects. However, IM use can cause redness, itching, and irritation at injection site. This treatment is very low risk Please be advised, you may feel the effects of the detox immediately or within a few hours post treatment, please ensure you stay hydrated and drink fluid pre and post treatment to aid the detox process *BLOCK BOOKING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE ON REQUEST


with a £200.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin B12 Injection

Our bodies require a daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly function. If one of these vitamins is deficient, it can result in serious health problems. Most of our B12 comes from meat in our diet. Those who are unable to absorb an adequate amount of B12 due to dietary restrictions or health problems may need to get a natural supplement through a B12 shot. The shot is a quick way to get your B12 levels back to where they should be. An injection of B12 can bring on immediate health benefits. Increases Energy Levels And Concentration If you are constantly lethargic even after a full night of sleep, you may have need B12 shots. This vitamin is required in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen around your body, providing the fuel your cells need to produce energy. A loss of red blood cell production will create symptoms of low energy and inability to concentrate. Improves Metabolism And Helps With Weight Loss A deficiency of the B12 vitamin causes anemia. An anemic individual can not efficiently convert fats and proteins into energy. This leads to the frustrating situation of difficulty losing weight despite regular exercise and a good diet. Boosts The Immune System A lack of B12 interferes with your body’s ability to produce white blood cells. These cells are essential in fighting off infections and keeping your immune system in good working order. If you find yourself getting sick more often than usual or having allergies where you previously had none, you may need a B12 shot. Helps Improve Sleep Patterns Tryptophan is the amino acid found in foods like turkey that makes you drowsy. Our body manufactures tryptophan naturally, and it’s a big part of what helps you fall asleep at night. Vitamin B12 is a major factor in the tryptophan production process. B12 injections can help you go from restless nights to getting a good night sleep. Helps Stop Certain Types Of Hair Loss Hair loss is so common in men, that a B12 deficiency as the cause of it is often missed. Because cells are not being metabolized efficiently, it is difficult for hair growth to occur normally. Regular B12 shots restore your body’s ability to metabolize, and cause your hair to begin growing as usual. B12 injections are highly recommended for those who have a deficiency. The synthetic chemical, cyanocobalamin, is not easily absorbed by your body, but methylcobalamin is. Depending on your condition, you may need to get a B12 injection every few weeks until your deficiency is gone. If you have a medical condition where you are unable to absorb sufficient B12 from your diet, you will need to get a shot every month to stay healthy.


with a £15.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin B12 Injection Course of 4

Refill appointment of 1.1ml following dissolving appt 2 weeks prior Please select this booking option to book refill appointment 2 weeks post dissolving appointment Please note, when booking a dissolve and refill package the full treatment price must be paid in full at first appointment


with a £35.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin B12 Injection Course of 8

Our bodies require a daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly function. If one of these vitamins is deficient, it can result in serious health problems. Most of our B12 comes from meat in our diet. Those who are unable to absorb an adequate amount of B12 due to dietary restrictions or health problems may need to get a natural supplement through a B12 shot. The shot is a quick way to get your B12 levels back to where they should be. An injection of B12 can bring on immediate health benefits. Increases Energy Levels And Concentration If you are constantly lethargic even after a full night of sleep, you may have need B12 shots. This vitamin is required in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen around your body, providing the fuel your cells need to produce energy. A loss of red blood cell production will create symptoms of low energy and inability to concentrate. Improves Metabolism And Helps With Weight Loss A deficiency of the B12 vitamin causes anemia. An anemic individual can not efficiently convert fats and proteins into energy. This leads to the frustrating situation of difficulty losing weight despite regular exercise and a good diet. Boosts The Immune System A lack of B12 interferes with your body’s ability to produce white blood cells. These cells are essential in fighting off infections and keeping your immune system in good working order. If you find yourself getting sick more often than usual or having allergies where you previously had none, you may need a B12 shot. Helps Improve Sleep Patterns Tryptophan is the amino acid found in foods like turkey that makes you drowsy. Our body manufactures tryptophan naturally, and it’s a big part of what helps you fall asleep at night. Vitamin B12 is a major factor in the tryptophan production process. B12 injections can help you go from restless nights to getting a good night sleep. Helps Stop Certain Types Of Hair Loss Hair loss is so common in men, that a B12 deficiency as the cause of it is often missed. Because cells are not being metabolized efficiently, it is difficult for hair growth to occur normally. Regular B12 shots restore your body’s ability to metabolize, and cause your hair to begin growing as usual. B12 injections are highly recommended for those who have a deficiency. The synthetic chemical, cyanocobalamin, is not easily absorbed by your body, but methylcobalamin is. Depending on your condition, you may need to get a B12 injection every few weeks until your deficiency is gone. If you have a medical condition where you are unable to absorb sufficient B12 from your diet, you will need to get a shot every month to stay healthy. This course is valid for 12 months from date of first treatment


with a £50.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin B12 Injection alongside other treatment

Our bodies require a daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals in order to properly function. If one of these vitamins is deficient, it can result in serious health problems. Most of our B12 comes from meat in our diet. Those who are unable to absorb an adequate amount of B12 due to dietary restrictions or health problems may need to get a natural supplement through a B12 shot. The shot is a quick way to get your B12 levels back to where they should be. An injection of B12 can bring on immediate health benefits. Increases Energy Levels And Concentration If you are constantly lethargic even after a full night of sleep, you may have need B12 shots. This vitamin is required in the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen around your body, providing the fuel your cells need to produce energy. A loss of red blood cell production will create symptoms of low energy and inability to concentrate. Improves Metabolism And Helps With Weight Loss A deficiency of the B12 vitamin causes anemia. An anemic individual can not efficiently convert fats and proteins into energy. This leads to the frustrating situation of difficulty losing weight despite regular exercise and a good diet. Boosts The Immune System A lack of B12 interferes with your body’s ability to produce white blood cells. These cells are essential in fighting off infections and keeping your immune system in good working order. If you find yourself getting sick more often than usual or having allergies where you previously had none, you may need a B12 shot. Helps Improve Sleep Patterns Tryptophan is the amino acid found in foods like turkey that makes you drowsy. Our body manufactures tryptophan naturally, and it’s a big part of what helps you fall asleep at night. Vitamin B12 is a major factor in the tryptophan production process. B12 injections can help you go from restless nights to getting a good night sleep. Helps Stop Certain Types Of Hair Loss Hair loss is so common in men, that a B12 deficiency as the cause of it is often missed. Because cells are not being metabolized efficiently, it is difficult for hair growth to occur normally. Regular B12 shots restore your body’s ability to metabolize, and cause your hair to begin growing as usual. B12 injections are highly recommended for those who have a deficiency. The synthetic chemical, cyanocobalamin, is not easily absorbed by your body, but methylcobalamin is. Depending on your condition, you may need to get a B12 injection every few weeks until your deficiency is gone. If you have a medical condition where you are unable to absorb sufficient B12 from your diet, you will need to get a shot every month to stay healthy.


with a £10.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin C Injection

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Injections deliver pure Vitamin C directly into the bloodstream via an intramuscular (IM) injection. Regular Vitamin C Injections can enhance physical wellbeing and prevent the onset of illness, this is because Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects the body against the effects of harmful agents. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A VITAMIN C INJECTION? Vitamin C has numerous health and wellness benefits and should be an important part of any diet. Here is a list of some Vitamin C benefits: PREVENTS FUTURE COMPLICATIONS RELATED TO THE COMMON COLD While the verdict is out on the commonly held notion that Vitamin C can help prevent you from catching a cold and that Vitamin C helps fight colds, studies have found that Vitamin C does prevent serious complications from developing when you are sick. If you are feeling under the weather, stop the common cold from becoming something uncommon with Vitamin C COMBATS STRESS Stress is a familiar enemy for most of us. Sometimes work, family, and other commitments can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Vitamin C will not necessarily make you less stressed, but will help your body remain healthy even under extreme duress by keeping your immune system strong even during times of stress. LOWERS THE RISK OF HAVING A STROKE A recent study found that patients with a higher concentration of Vitamin C in the blood had a much lower stroke risk then those with less Vitamin C in their system. The findings are not concrete yet, but still an intriguing possible benefit of Vitamin C. MAKE YOUR SKIN LOOK YOUNGER AND HEALTHIER Nobody wants wrinkled and dried out skin. Enter Vitamin C. High dosages of Vitamin C have been found to lead to a lower likelihood of dry skin and wrinkles, and in general those with a high amount of Vitamin C have better, more youthful skin. VITAMIN C IS A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT Vitamin C is an ascorbic acid that is needed for your body tissue to survive and thrive. It is a very powerful antioxidant that can protect your body from harmful free radicals. Free radicals can lead to cancer, heart disease and arthritis, so in essence Vitamin C can help prevent these dangerous maladies. Many people take vitamin C booster shots (not high-dose therapy) to improve their general health and wellbeing. Reasons to consider getting vitamin C injections revolve around a wide spectrum of benefits you may experience. Some of the most significant benefits include: - Helps resist allergies by improving the immune system - Improves specific health conditions and fights disease and flu like symptoms - Helps ease any tiredness and fatigue - Increases energy levels when feeling “run down” - Fights free radicals in the body that can cause illness and accelerated ageing. - Proven to aide memory skills by increasing neurotransmitter levels in the brain. - Helps fight depression - Aides weight loss by increasing metabolism - Helps with bone strength Also, - Creates a strong immune system - Improved quality and appearance of skin, youthful look - Increased antioxidant protection - Faster metabolism and more successful weight loss - Resisting allergies more efficiently due to stronger immunity - Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen which slows down skin ageing, Collagen is an essential component of connective tissue, which plays a vital role in the elasticity of the skin and wound healing. Also, Vitamin C is a physiological antioxidant that also regenerates other antioxidants within the body, including Vitamin E. In addition to boosting the ability of your body to heal and rejuvenate your skin, Vitamin C: - Does boost the immune system - Can help with asthma, bronchitis - Can help with heart disease - Can reduce risk of cancer Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen. Collagen is an essential component of connective tissue, which plays a vital role in the elasticity of the skin and wound healing. Also, Vitamin C is a physiological antioxidant that also regenerates other antioxidants within the body, including Vitamin E. WHAT FOODS CONTAIN VITAMIN C? A Vitamin Injection isn’t the only way to get Vitamin C in your system. Many foods contain Vitamin C and you will experience some of the benefits you get from a Vitamin C injection. However, since the injection features a large and concentrated amount of Vitamin C, the effects will not be as strong with food as a Vitamin C Injection. Below are some foods to eat to get large amounts of Vitamin C: - Citrus Fruit (i.e Oranges, lemons & grapefruits) - Bell Peppers - Guavas - Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (i.e. Kale, spinach & Broccoli) - Kiwi - Berries (i.e. Strawberries, blackberries & blueberries) - Tomatoes - Garlic Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency: The signs of a Vitamin C deficiency can vary from person to person, but they may include one or more of the following: - Rough, dry, damaged, bumpy skin - Unexplained weight gain - Easy bruising - Fatigue, poor mood - Bright red hair follicles - Chronic stress and inflammation - Fingernails spoon shaped with red lines or spots - Pain and/or swelling in joints - Tooth loss and bleeding gums - Slow wound healing - Poor immune system - Persistent iron deficiency anaemia Deficiency in vitamin C is uncommon in developed countries but can occur with general undernutrition. The most common risk factors for vitamin C deficiency are unhealthy diet, anorexia, alcoholism, smoking, severe mental illness, and dialysis. The most significant vitamin C deficiency signs and symptoms include: Severe deficiency in vitamin C leads to scurvy, but it is uncommon. Scurvy causes weakness, gum disease, skin problems, and anaemia. The condition was widely prevalent back in time, but in the modern age, not so much. Who may be a risk from having a vitamin C injection? There are many signs and symptoms of deficiency but most of them are related to the impairment in collagen production or not consuming enough antioxidants. Some groups are more likely to be at risk of Vitamin C insufficiency: - Smokers and passive ”smokers” - Individuals with limited food Variety - People with malabsorption and certain chronic diseases Thankfully, Vitamin C deficiency can be resolved once the Vitamin C levels have been restored. How long does vitamin C injection stay in your system? Kidneys control the levels of vitamin C in the blood through a process called renal absorption. The main objective of this process is to ensure vitamin C isn’t lost and expelled from the body through urine. However, dramatically high doses of vitamin C can overwhelm your system, meaning the extra amount of this micronutrient is lost in the urine within a few hours. The process of getting a vitamin C shot is similar to getting injected. The procedure entails minimal to zero pain, as the needle is placed gently into an available muscle. This muscle is commonly found around the glutes under the hip. After getting a shot, you can expect your body’s vitamin C level to remain elevated for three to four weeks. Vitamins and treatments that are safe to take with this vitamin. You can be injected with vitamin C while taking other vitamin supplements like biotin, B complex vitamins including vitamin B12, and vitamin D without complications. It can also be safely used in combination with facial and body treatments. Can it be injected if there are existing medical conditions? Vitamin C Injections should never replace conventional medical treatment for serious health concerns. However, many patients maybe undergoing medical treatments that are highly taxing on the nutrient levels of the body and therefore they are keen to address any deficiencies on their road back to health. Some examples of allergies or conditions that may interact with Vitamin C injections are: - Allergy to Ascorbic acid - Kidney or Liver disease - Iron metabolism disorder - Also, there might be some commonly prescribed medications that may interact with Vitamin C, such as: Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It can cause Vitamin C to be lost in the urine whilst the vitamin will cause higher levels of the drugs to stay in the body. Antipsychotic drug Prolixin (fluphenazine), vitamin C can reduce the concentration of this medication in the bloodstream, decreasing its effectiveness. Are there any side effects to vitamin C injections? When used adequately, vitamin C injections are safe. Some side effects include: - Pain, redness or itching in the site of the injection - Mild diarrhoea - Swelling sensation in the body Vitamin C is not considered to be toxic, even in high quantities. The full list of side effects is extremely limited; however, doses of over 2000 mg are not supported as this is above the recommended dosage. High doses of vitamin C have a few side effects, such as pain at the site of injection and nausea. That being said, you should still stick to the dosages recommended by the healthcare professional or manufacturer of vitamin C injections. TREATMENT DOSE AND FREQUENCY 500mg recommended monthly (Prabinex) Vitamin C Deficiency 200mg daily for one week Wound Healing 1g daily for 5-21 days (Packages available for deficiency and wound healing)


with a £25.00 deposit
15 mins

Vitamin D Injection

We have all heard that Vitamin D is good for our bones. However, few of us really understand how seriously a lack of vitamin D can impact our day to day wellbeing. In fact, one UK survey found that more than half of us are Vitamin D deficient. Why does this matter? Vitamin D’s job is to regulate the level of calcium and phosphate in the body. It does this by controlling how much is absorbed in the gut and taken up by the different parts of the body, including muscle, teeth and bone. As a result, Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness, tiredness and bone pain. In extreme cases, a lack of vitamin D can impair bone growth causing diseases of brittle or painful bones, such as Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Where does it come from? Most of our Vitamin D is produced in our skin. Sunlight plays a key role in activating the Vitamin D, hence its nickname “the sunshine vitamin”. Unfortunately, winter sun is not great at making Vitamin D (it does not contain enough ultraviolet B radiation) and sunlight through a window does not work either. The best way to get Vitamin D from the sun is to exposure our skin to the summer sun. If you are spending a lot of time in the sun, remember to take the necessary precautions to protect your skin from sun damage. We can also get Vitamin D from oily fish (mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines), red meat, eggs and certain foods (breakfast cereals, formula milk) have added Vitamin D. BENEFITS: - Regulating calcium metabolism - Regulating calcification of the bones - Regulating the body’s use of phosphorus (a mineral that is important for bone structure) - Increasing the absorption of calcium from the gut - Decreased excretion from the kidneys - Assists with depositing minerals into the teeth - Maintains healthy blood levels of calcium and phosphorus - Helps maintain nervous system, heart function and normal blood clotting There are times, however, when we are not receiving enough Vitamin D naturally like in the winter or on a rainy day, this is when we will start to experience the lack of Vitamin D and need to find another source. Who is susceptible to Vitamin D Deficiency? There are certain groups of people who are at a higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency: - The elderly (skin thins as we age, reducing its ability to make vitamin D) - People with darker skin (dark skin needs more sunlight to make the same amount of Vitamin D as paler skin) - People with reduced skin exposure to sunlight (such as those who spend a lot of time indoors or those who cover a large proportion of their body) - Pregnant or breastfeeding women - People with certain diseases (such as Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, kidney disease) - People taking certain medications (such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone) - People on strict vegetarian or vegan diets - And sometimes, for unknown reasons, people without any risk factors are deficient in vitamin D. These can be evaluated along with any other Vitamin Deficiency by a GP. CONTRAINDICATIONS You MUST NO take Vitamin D Injections: - If you are allergic to ergocalciferol (Vitamin D) or any of the other ingredients of this medicine - If you have high levels of calcium in your blood - If you already have high levels of Vitamin D in your blood, or if you are especially sensitive to Vitamin D - If you have kidney problems - If you have an accumulation of calcium salts in the body’s tissue - If any of the above applies to you talk to your doctor or nurse. Warnings and Precautions: Talk to your doctor or nurse before being given Vitamin D: - If you have heart disease, problems with your kidneys or with your circulation - If you have kidney stones - If you have low levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) - If you already have high levels of vitamin D in your blood or if you are especially sensitive to vitamin D It is important that you are taking enough calcium in your diet so that your body can respond properly to your medicine WHAT HAPPENS IF I HAVE TOO MUCH VITAMIN D? While it is not possible to get too much Vitamin D from sunlight, very high doses of Vitamin D supplements can cause the calcium levels in the blood to be too high. This can cause symptoms of nausea and vomiting, headaches, thirst and passing a lot of urine. If you are taking Vitamin D supplements and experience these symptoms, then we recommend you speak to your GP as soon as possible. Injection Strength: 300,000 IU Frequency: Every 3-6 months


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